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I liked the music. The car still sucks, though I guess still much cheaper than an Atom.
Hayabusa Lotus 7 clones are where it's at. Just make sure to get one with proper suspension.
Nobody has stolen my Giant Remote Controlled Car line yet? Okay awesome! GIANT REMOTE CONTROLLED CAR!!!
oh yeah, this is the second car from R.C. Pro-Am.
It's all fun and games until he hits anything larger than a mailbox.
Still less dangerous than a moto itself. I love my ninja but would rather crash in that box than hit a mailbox head on with my bike. I've seen a Gold GTI converted as such as well. Video's on utube somewhere. This still deserves 5 stars.
The smart does extremely well in crash tests for its size. Awesome car, neat conversion, fucking horrible music.
I just want to stick on a giant penny on the back of it.
5 stars enhanced by last 15 seconds. Micro Knight Rider!