Severian - 2008-04-20
Balls of steel.
baleen - 2008-04-20
from this video, it's hard to say whether the earth's gravity is pulling him down or whether his his balls' gravity is pulling the earth towards him.
grimcity - 2008-04-20
That was as bad ass as it was stupid, and there's a lot of badass in there.
Dicknuts - 2008-04-20
zee redbull gave him wings!
oogaBooga - 2008-07-24 Why isnt this in a commercial?
StanleyPain - 2008-04-20
I wouldn't call it stupid. He's prolly a highly experienced skydiver and figured with the right friends, his chances of survival were extremely good with 3 other divers being with him, all of whom knowing what was up and, presumably, very skilled. So, chancy and ballsy, but it was the type of calculated crazy thing a lot of people do in any sport.
Blaise - 2008-04-20
I'm sure there are easier ways to trick a man into dry humping you.
revdrew - 2008-04-20
He must've been pretty chilly.
Aelric - 2008-04-20
that redbull can is now embedded in some poor islander's head.
Frank Rizzo - 2008-04-20
what an attention whore loser
Mike Tyson?! - 2008-04-20 Yeah if I was the bouncer on that plane he would have been in trouble, big time.
Aelric - 2008-04-21 i think we're starting to forget who is a bouncer and who ain't
Camonk - 2008-05-26 Yeah, Frank Rizzo is a stupid racist, not a stupid racist bouncer. C'mon, people, do we need a flowchart or some damn thing?
rustedmutt - 2008-04-20
Freefall homoeroticism.
RockBolt - 2008-04-20
Impressive, but I'll reserve that last star for when he moves up to tossing a parachute out of the plane and then going out after it
oogaBooga - 2008-05-31
Travis pastrana wakes up every day exactly like this.
divinitycycle - 2008-07-09
This made me think of and yearn for a reality show where people who are either terminally ill or just really suicidally depressed do dangerous shit like this ALL THE TIME for EVERY FUCKING EPISODE. That is some family-friendly must-see TV!
Also -3 stars for the fucking "Look at me I'm so xtreem with my NRG drink!!! AHH!!" chug at the beginning.
Hooper_X - 2008-07-27
I hereby nominate Travis Pastrana the Official Extreme Athlete of POETV.
RandomFerret - 2008-08-01
Mythbusters did a whole episode of myths from Point Break, but they weren't extreme enough to do this.
MightierThanTheSword - 2009-03-20
Holy shit.
Needs a 'YEEEAH' tag.
Prickly Pete - 2009-04-14
I like it.
sparklefatty - 2010-01-29
Great. Now everyone will be doing this.
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