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The car is in the air! Now it is not in the air! AI YI YI YI YI YI YI YI
Bonus stars for AI YI YI YI YI YI YI YI YI YI YI YI YI.
It would have been perfect if a few cop cars had flown into the shot a few seconds later.
That would of it is I still want those 7 seconds of my life back.
This is an idea I can get behind.
This pisses me off. It's short, but the sweet part...well I actually want to punch someone in the face.
Do you prefer your cars going in circles?
This ain't no Nascar. Hur hur hur.
yes i wish this had been a five hour video of cars going around in a circle. while ten thousand people with a total number of ten thousand teeth cheered on.
I dug it.
If you listen carefully at the beginning, you will notice that this car is actually the TARDIS. WHEEEEOOOO-WHEEEEOOOO.