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It is adorable when young humans act like adult humans. More adorable than kittens.
and what was the responsible adult doing? taping the incident.
5 stars for the goal stealing kid in the beginning
"Yeah! Yeah! Knocked your ass down, didn't I, bitch? Oh shit! He's getting up! AH! AH! AH! Oh shit! He's up! AH! AH! Damn it! I Fell down! AH! AH! AH! Oh shit! He's still after me! AHHH! MOMMY!"
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
The crawling at the end shows that this is serious business, and makes this exponentially cuter.
This needs to be linked, somehow, to "THESE ARE BRAVE PANDAS". It seems to work together.
Sign these kids up for Peewee Rollerball instead.
The best part is that they're on the same team.
Islanders fans
Nowhere cute enough to justify the lack of a responsible adult. The kid crawling to the camera is just plain sad.
i smell weakness! hey, everyone's kids team up on Blaise's kids!
Sad? That kid was the winner. He knocked the other dude down twice and the kid from the other team down once. Until he decided to get away he was undefeatable.
This is peewee hockey, whether they are actually playing or not this is what it looks like every moment of the game
Shades of the on-skates chase sequence in Blades of Glory.
run, forest, run!!!!!
Hip-hop and hockey. Is there any less appropriate combination of music and sports?
5 stars for the kid falling and scrambling away and the other kid shambling on like a hockey zombie. Like a classic Hammer film.