SARS - 2008-04-03
his chances of winning the crowd went down... the gutter
anvill - 2008-04-03 In those elipses you were putting on sunglasses, right?
cognitivedissonance - 2008-04-03
It's true... Black men can't bowl.
SARS - 2008-04-03 but Obama's not black!
Smellvin - 2008-04-03 At least they didn't try to have him go swimming.
Hodge - 2008-04-03 Yeah he's not, besides we already had a black president, his name was Bill Clinton.
Gill_Sans - 2008-04-03 He may have lost his ability to bowl but he still gets Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells or effects.
Ersatz - 2008-04-04 Jerome Bettis' average is over 200.
Hugo Gorilla - 2008-04-03
Bowling is much more down-to-Earth than wind-surfing but not such an obvious grab for the blue collar vote if he chad hummed it up with a construction crew having lunch on a steel girder suspended in air wearing a hard hat and propping his leg on a cinder block.
CCCPZZZ - 2008-04-03 "chad hummed"... that's some sort of regional bathhouse slang?
Meerkat - 2008-04-03 A "Chad Hummer" is in fact regional slang for giving blue collar workers a blow job while suspended on a steel girder. This is possibly due to the number of construction workers named Chad. It is also the etymological source of the phrase "Hanging Chad" which refers to the pre-Hummer dangling phase.
Meerkat - 2008-04-03 KHAAAAAAAAAAAN!!
TinManic - 2008-04-03
oh c'mon! everyone was watching and he's never done it before, that's a lot of pressure. totally unlike being president.
baleen - 2008-04-03
He likes me.
Erix - 2008-04-03
Barack Obama built me a robot.
Billy the Poet - 2008-04-03
Franklin Roosevelt would have been lucky to get a 37.
halon - 2008-04-03
Barack Obama baked me a pie
coprolalia - 2008-04-03
The Anti-Nixon.
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2008-04-03
I have no sound on this computer, but based purely on the visual, I think it's actually quite astute politically. It doesn't look staged. He must have known that he was going to suck, and he just went out and had some fun. Better to be a lousy bowler than a brilliant wind-surfer.
glasseye - 2008-04-04
He's a better bowler than me, that's for sure.
ChocFullOfFunk - 2008-04-04
His Madrassa had a strict anti-bowling policy. He missed the critical period to learn how to bowl.
theSnake - 2008-04-04
crote - 2008-04-06
I once bowled a 17, a figure which includes a strike on the first frame.
A 37 is godly as far as I'm concerned.
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