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Microsoft Flight Simulator with cat.
I like cat videos normally but this one is still really boring. Unless the majesty of flight does something for you.
It's a really cute kitty though. So that counts for something.
looks like an ocelot. i mean, an ocelittle.
The majesty of flight WITH A FUCKING CAT PURRING ON THE DASHBOARD does yes. Damn. Have you got no sense as to how fucking cool this cat is? Most would either self-disintegrate or shit themselves just from the noise and machinery factors alone.
Not even the stall warning perked her ears. The touchdown did though
How many times did it have to go through this before it reached this point.
indifference indeed.
aren't you edgy!
iris did not land the plane as title implied.
+1 star because the cat has gorgeous markings. It is also probably a very, very expensive crossbreed.
i like how he says "look, we made it" and the cat goes "meeeew"
It's a bengal. Sweet, smart kitties, and very talky. They will always engage in conversation with you.
Cool under pressure. Certianly better than freaking and clawing the pilot's eyes out. Unless you'd rather have seen that. (You sick fucks.)
+1 for at least having a kitty, I guess.
Cats do not lose their cool. They have seen and done it all before. And they were better at it than you.
see.. that's what makes this a fiver, nothing phases a cat.
Next: guy tests to see if the cat can land on its feet...from a 10,000 ft. drop!
-1 for only showing the best case scenario involving a cat on your plane dashboard.
"Hey, we made it!" "Mew!"
I was about to 1-star this until "Well, we made it," "BOUT FUCKING TIME HUMAN!"
Cat is my co-pilot