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Wow, file that under "Things to do before I croak."
Possibly seconds before you croak.
I believe that is the point.
Oh God, I want to do this so much.
looks like fun
This is a thing I must do.
And I have to do it while listening to the Superman music on full blast. DAH NA NA NA NAAAAAH! DAH NAH NAAAAAAAAAA!
Maybe it's just the accents, but am I the only one reminded of this:
I must do this. Preferably right now.
...and every Australian stereotype is confirmed. South Africa.
They all look the same to me
The terrain's similar, except that South Africa is spelled S-O-U-T-H A-F-R-I-C-A, and Australia is spelled A-U-S-T-R-A-L-I-A. That's how I tell them apart.
-1 for the zip line not breaking.
That's not a zipline, that's a unitram.
If I lived near there I'd arrange some white stones in big letters that said "Hello" then seconds later "You're going to die." then seconds "Sorry." Then I'd put a big picture of a zulu.
I'd just chuck a couple fake skeletons wearing zipline gear into the trees.
All I can think when I see this is what if you have to pee halfway through?
Pretend it's the Batman Watershow and you've been holding it for fifteen minutes.
The subtitles are what make it understandable. How else would you know he yelled "YEE HOO!"?
Hell yes.
SCUD missile indeed!
That part got me, especially since it implies they know pretty well what a SCUD missile looks like in those parts.
Oh sweet jesus, pull up!!
-1 for not keeping the camera at a decent angle. DEDUCTION CASCADE!!! -1 for the zip line not breaking However, I do want to try this out.
I get the camera angle thing, but if the zip line broke the camera probably would have, too, so you wouldn't have a video of it.