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And the next act: Santa Claus
Is that some sort of mating dance because its working
My god! ...She's a bag of sticks!
A privilege, not a right.
basically female equivalent of castrati
Which Silent Hill game is this from?
background wardrobe malfunction at around :50
Even other women's skirts recoil in horror.
I can't even imagine what it must feel like to be that flexible. It makes me a little nauseous to think of it.
I was thinking Dhalsim.
I want to know what her spine x-ray looks like. And if she'll be able to walk without a steel back brace by the time she's forty.
Creepy + sexy(?) + the worm + music from Ravel's maze = 5 stars
Where do all her guts go?
I don't know how to react appropriately to this video.
Contorting into the uncanny valley