Billie_J_Buttfuck - 2008-01-04
That was art in motion.
EvilHomer - 2008-01-04
Boards, don't hit back.
EvilHomer - 2008-01-04 And why do you think I gave it five stars, Mr Ferret?
P.S. That's "Bruce Lee bullshit" to you, peasant.
EvilHomer - 2008-01-04 I AM a bouncer. And my friends all call me "The Snake"... when they're not calling me "Pricky McPrickenstein, the bounciest bouncer this side of Jersey". As for my martial arts video, watch and be humbled:
EvilHomer - 2008-01-04 But seriously, people. Was my witty allusion REALLY so obscure that it went over your heads like a spinning jump kick delivered by a slanty-eyed karate master?
EvilHomer - 2008-01-05 Well exactly! Put water in a cup, it becomes the cup. Put water near douches like Lindner, it becomes a douche. Just bein' water, as per request!
Like I said, I five-starred the video for a reason. Sorry if Mr Lee's sagacious insight sounded like a sarcastic attack on the video's awesome quality. (btw, isn't Bruce Lee a favorite whipping boy for MMA fags? I was under the impression he was the Patron Saint of the kind of stuff bearded Bullshido posters rail against)
coprolalia - 2008-01-04
Caminante Nocturno - 2008-01-04
Wow, just like in Dragonball Z!
EvilHomer - 2008-01-04 Too many frames of animation on this video.
don piano - 2008-01-04
needs short and sweet tag
1394 - 2008-01-04
I demand 5 boards.
Frank Rizzo - 2008-01-04
Frank Rizzo - 2008-01-05 make sure my plaque is quality, since you run the ultra mega gay hall of fame.
uekibachi - 2008-01-05
i hate to be picking the fly shit out of the pepper shaker.....
but this isn't karate. it's tae kwon do.
Cube - 2008-01-05
When he get's jumped by three boards in a dark alley, this guy will be home safe.
svraz - 2008-01-05
I tried to like this video but I got board. Ha ha !
Camonk - 2008-01-05
I can do that; I just don't wanna.
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