I'm not sure how accurate I am on this, but I remember a story staring FF's The Thing that is pretty damn close to this.
It was probably published in the early 90's, maybe in Marvel Team Up or a Thing one-shot, and the story had all the strongest heroes on earth kidnapped and teleported to a space coliseum where they were required to battle a sort of gladiator god for the fate of earth.
All earth's heroes got their asses kicked. When The Thing fought him he got his ass kicked too, but The Thing would not stay down. The gladiator god was so impressed with The Thing's chutzpah he decided to spare the earth.
My strongest memory of this story was the Thing's face all beaten and bruised. Couldn't understand how his rocky face could bruise like that.
Does this ring a bell with anyone else, or am I crazy? (not that those two things are mutually exclusive)