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That's right, keep running. Faster, they can catch up to you at that speed!
Did they even think to have a garden hose on hand?
they just launched off a ladder onto a burning sheet of wood... they don't seem the type to take things like hoses into consideration
I like this one even more than the others, because those kids sound foreign, so one of them definitely deserves some skin grafts.
Definitely from the province of Quebec. From their accent, I'd guess a deep rural region. We do have rednecks.
Isn't Canada basically 80% redneck?
Best slow motion vocals ever!
Didja get any onya?
Extra star for the chorus of the dead
for that comment!
much better
Why do they never think to stop drop and roll? Not that I care.
eh. needs more pain.
I like how all these videos have the victim's friends prepared for the GAS fire by having a small amount of water on hand nearby.