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The backgrounds make this look something out of an old FMV game.
Awaiting the 3DO release on this.
It's actually from an old Playstation/N64 game called War Zone. Beard.
I understand everything this man is saying perfectly well.
What's a sand rippa?
I had this game for the PSone and I always thought it was stupid how they just recorded the sound from the ROOM and not directly from the wrasslers. I kept waiting to hear some one drop a light or something in the background.
Half of the "goofy subtitles" don't even come close to sounding like what's coming out of the guy's mouth.
Yeah, the subtitles suck. However, this _is_ awesome and Ahmed _is_ incredibly fucking insane.
This is not awesome. This ist OMGROFLMAO OLOLOLOLOLOLOL youtube quality. This actively destroys humor.
I think you have to be a wrestling fan.
In retrospect, yes I suppose you do. Ahmed Johnson is legitimately insane. And the subtitles are extraneous.
I like Ahmed but fuck the subtitles.
I like when his voice cracks. Four stars only because the subtitles are totally unnecessary. CG factory!
-1 for "funny" subtitles. The rest is pure late 90's wrestling comedy bliss. God, Ahmed Johnson sucked so bad.
I understand everything and english isn't even my first language...