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Desc:It's so hard to believe that within the confines of Newsradio, Andy Dick could be so funny.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Humor
Tags:Andy Dick, newsradio, maura tierney meow, my pants are clean
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Comment count is 17
Stopheles - 2007-11-26

The delivery and timing on "an optimist would say that I'm half-DRESSED" is enough to make me wonder if maybe avoiding this show because of Andy Dick's involvement was a bad idea.

athodyd - 2007-11-26

Yes, it was. If nothing else he was a perfect foil for Rogan.

drcrypt - 2007-11-26

Andy Dick's involvement with Newsradio is part of why I hate him so much now. He's sunk just so very low since.

Hooker - 2007-11-26

I don't follow Andy Dick now, so I don't know what's up with the hate on him, but he was incredible on NewsRadio. There's a deleted clip on one of the DVD sets where he starts eating a deck of cards, and it's one of the funniest things the show's ever done.

Charles - 2009-10-02

There was nothing wrong with the timing or delivery. Nonetheless, I agree that Andy Dick is more or less worthless NOW, but News Radio in general is basically perfection.

Frank Rizzo - 2007-11-26

its because of andy dick that Phill Hartman is dead. Tis true.

The dick got Phills wife back on cocaine after like 10 years of being sober, a month later she killed Phill in a cocaine stuper. Jon Lovits held a grudge ever since

Or atleast thats what I read

http://people.monstersandcritics.com/news/article_1331205.php/ Jon_Lovitz_and_Andy_Dicks_Laugh_Factory_brawl/

Andy dick really is worthless.

Sean Robinson - 2007-11-26

Phil Hartman was going to grow up to be the next Hitler. Don't blame Andy Dick for the handful of lives he ended if you aren't going to credit him for the millions he saved.

baleen - 2007-11-26

Andy has a bit of a crack problem. The whole lovitz dickslap thing is hard to understand without actually knowing those people personally, but my guess is that andy has sort of fried his brain and moral compass with the amount of coke he's been putting into his head, or so sayeth a personal assistant of his. He was pretty funny on Stiller's show as well.

Sean Robinson - 2007-11-26

I think that OJ Simpson and Jake "The Snake" Roberts are the only men who live their gimmicks more than Andy Dick.

His Apprentice satire was fucking pitch perfect.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-11-26

This is a great bit. Newsradio was the most ignored show of its time, it was way better than Seinfeld in many ways.

As for Andy I don't think there's another celebrity that annoys me quite so much in comparison to how talented he thinks he is.

Stopheles - 2007-11-26

My wife is a big fan of it -- I'll have to watch a few episodes in full. Part of the problem is that I barely watched any TV between 94 and 99 or 2000, and by then lost the taste for sitcoms.

But now, due to Arrested Development and 30 Rock and a few others, I think it's time for me to go back and find some of the ones I would have enjoyed back then.

dancingshadow - 2007-11-26

I liked this show. Laughtracks are pretty hard to listen to now tho.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-11-26

Immediately after watching this clip, I won a game of computer solitaire. Coincidence?

Jeff Fries - 2007-11-30

"ate" so much "sugar"

vissarion - 2008-06-20

I also had a crush on Maura Tierney.

BornAgainCannibal - 2008-07-17

Five for newsradio and laura Graham.

Midnight Man - 2009-10-25

Maura Tierney's ability to punctuate her dialogue with body language always astounds me.

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