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Desc:Put to barbie girl for some reason.
Category:Accidents & Explosions, Music Videos
Tags:crash, Accidents
Submitted:Jesus Rapes Children
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Comment count is 6
Caminante - 2006-04-30

This was rather poorly made.

Doctor Arcane - 2006-04-30

It does get better at the end. I'll give it two for the Big Wheels accident alone.

Xiphias - 2006-05-01

some of the accidents were good

Olaf - 2006-05-04

Just watch it muted. Gets better as it goes along.

onemorepanic - 2006-05-26

+1 for Aqua.

Hooper_X - 2007-02-02

An average 3, just for the kid trying to grind on a table and it hitting him in the mouth.

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