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Comment count is 10
Stopheles - 2007-08-28

I'm not above admitting that I listened to "Peter Piper" and cried a bit when Jam Master Jay was murdered.

And man, there really isn't a better loop than the "Breaking Bells," is there?

System of a Clown - 2007-08-28

No. Breaking Bells will devour all other sampled loops when the Breakopalypse comes and all breaks ever used will war to the death in the battle of Loopageddon.

System of a Clown - 2007-08-28

The first tape I ever purchased with my own money was their "Raisin' Hell" album. I cried when Jam Master Jay was shot. Show this video to your children!

NineEleven - 2007-08-28

LeVar Burton is the blackest man alive

Cube - 2007-08-28

LaForge, noooooo!

I'm sad because my kids will never be able to take this seriously.

mon666ster - 2007-08-29

That is my new rationalization for never having children.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-08-29

Don Herbert, Fred Rogers, and LeVar Burton, childhood idols.

dorje - 2007-08-30

Reading IS a fresh way to learn.

Hooper_X - 2009-08-29

The sad part is that today's 5 year olds would be all "Who the fuck are these assholes? I want Soulja Boy!"

casualcollapse - 2021-02-04

oh shit I found an old one AND IT WORKS

it is a blessed day

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