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Infinite stars for the gorilla like impersonation of Baron Samedi.
Papa Shango was in league with the evil ball of evil from the fifth element.
Someone needs to do a compilation of The Many Racist Gimmicks of Charles Whitman. Papa Shango + The Godfather = A staggering portrayal of Vince McMahon's opinions of black people.
I'm actually working on something like this.
A more apt title would be "A Staggering Portrayal of Vince McMahon's Assumptions About His Audience's Opinion of Black People"
It's Charles Wright. Charles Whitman was the University of Texas Tower Sniper. ...just sayin'. Also you forgot the interim between voodoo shaman and pimp where he was a member of a militant Nation of Islam stable.
No "I Put A Spell On You" theme music? Boooooo.