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Comment count is 6
Stopheles - 2007-08-27

I'd like to think that Lisa Suckdog didn't actually "go out" with GG, as it's bad enough she was with Boyd Rice for a while...

"Maybe I don't WANNA read!!!"

Wow, he's SO punque rocque!!

klingerbgoode - 2007-08-28

she had a kid with boyd rice!

Xiphias - 2007-08-27

Was this filmed in a school?

Frank Rizzo - 2007-08-27

cheer up emo kid, no wait dont you're an attention whore.

ryanowens - 2007-08-27


The Snickler - 2007-08-28

That made about as much sense, and was about as sad as, the time the homeless guy that stands on the corner of my street was made fun of by the neighborhood kids.

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