FatFatuousNation - 2007-08-12
Aww... this competes with kittens
EvilHomer - 2007-08-12
Between this and that BioShock trailer earlier in the week, I think I'm getting far too many laughs out of child abuse.
Aernaroth2 - 2007-08-12
Pandatronic - 2007-08-12
Proof that today's parents aren't nearly as bad as people make them out to be.
Exhibit B: http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=10492
Meerkat - 2007-08-12
Colonel Cowlung - 2007-08-12
Meatsack Jones - 2007-08-12
Earning it's place in the best the internet can offer, one, young bruised psyche at a time.
MattG - 2007-08-12
Those kids will be the hero of any party they go to ever as long as there's a nearby means of watching YouTube.
Camonk - 2007-08-12
That was adorable and awesome.
athodyd - 2007-08-12
I think the best one is when Nick tries to escape.
Zhou Fang - 2007-08-13
I lose it everytime the kid says "fighting is bad" and then gets kicked in the back of the head.
fluffy - 2007-08-13
Sound effects can make everything seem more violent than they are.
zatojones - 2007-08-13
Funnier (and cuter) than I thought it would be
klingerbgoode - 2007-08-13
he got the good ending afterall!
Operation Cornflakes - 2007-08-13
"I will destroy their potential!"
Spider Jerusalem - 2007-08-13
This is me with most of my nephews and nieces.
Xenocide - 2007-08-13
Those kids were just biding their time until their super meters filled up.
Brautwurst_Barbarian - 2007-08-13
cakewalk - 2007-08-13
i love this shiz.
Adramelech - 2007-08-13
I also wish to be trained in the art of child beating.
Princess v2.1 - 2007-08-13
Caminante Nocturno - 2007-08-18
We shouldn't be laughing at this. Hey, guys, we shouldn't be laughing at this.
tamago - 2007-08-18
addendum: I want to give another five stars to this for the ending.
B_Ko - 2007-08-19
This seems like it was meant to be the greatest game ever, but was on the CD-i.
Mayberry Pancakes - 2007-09-20
5 stars for concept. 5 stars for execution. 5 stars for -00:39. 50000 stars for the ending. Dad of the year, right here.
theFlu - 2007-10-08
It's pretty funny - the guy's moves are badass, and the ending is ok...
BUT, it's still kinda dumb, because it's just the typical "you can't do that to kids!!" [awful] will farrell-style of humor - weakened by the disclaimer at the beginning.
PurpleXVI - 2007-11-12
It's awesome because this man is a great dad and his kids are the luckiest little bastards ever.
rocky - 2008-02-08
Hello to all, how are you? good i hope. I would love to thank those of you who are showing my kids and i support of our filming they have become quite the pair of tallented actors and now my daughter wants to join the mix im so proud and happy that my kids love me enough to want to spend time with me. Just to let you know my ex wife is there when i film with my kids and also i train them to take falls and throw punches soon we will have an entire choreography with lil kids ive always wanted to see it done but no one has done it so i took it upon myself to come up with the idea. My kids are great Nicholas Andrew Chavez, Rocky Lee Chavez jr., and Alexis Rianne Chavez whenever you 3 get old enough to read blogs i want you to know that daddy is proud of you and that i love you guys more than life itself. To all my haters out there id like to thank you also because either way your taking the time to view the video in its entirety and talk about my kids and I, either way we win were famous and your just a comment step to my family's fame.
keinsignal - 2008-06-11 you are an inspiration to us all
tamago - 2008-07-14 Five more stars for this.
j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-08-10 You, sir, are a magnificent father. Your children are lucky to have you, and vice versa! What an awesome family, I envy that kind of playfulness.
j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-10-10 I miss Rocky and his kids.
Google: Nicholas Andrew Chavez, Rocky Lee Chavez jr., and Alexis Rianne Chavez??
fermun - 2008-02-26
Child beater vs. 30 children. The logical conclusion to child beating martial arts clips.
j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-07-13 "How many five year olds would it take to kill you?"
Best poll Xiphias ever came up with. The infinite stream of five year olds still gets a laugh.
Paranatural - 2008-05-04
Finally, someone stands up to the toddlers.
Dana - 2008-05-16
Let's all watch America's Home Video's Extended Version!
tamago - 2008-07-14 Dana, have you met Princess v2.1? He's a humourless twatbag much like yourself.
keinsignal - 2008-06-11
I didn't already favorite this? And five star it like eighty times over? Must be a bug.
oogaBooga - 2008-11-05
"Fighting is bad!"
mumbly joe - 2008-11-18
i lost it at the "fighting is bad" part. that has got to be the funniest damn thing i've seen in a long time.
jerrysp702 - 2009-02-11
-2 stars cause it takes 45 seconds to start.
twinkieafternoon - 2009-09-24
I plan on doing this with my kids, boys or girls, it doesn't matter.
Lauritz Melchior - 2009-11-29
Video removed by user =(
I was going to force a friend to watch this =(
Lauritz Melchior - 2010-09-06
Hurray. It's back up!
joelkazoo - 2010-12-19
I can't believe I haven't five and faved this yet!
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