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they had this in my dorm in college, the tilt detection was almost totally off and we would throw the machine across the room while playing it
I used to play this and the amazingly good Terminator 2 pinball for hours and hours when I was a teenager. Awesome!
terminator 2 sucked
Oh, man, I used to love this machine. Best pinball game ever.
My all-time favorite pinball machine is and probably always will be Monster Bash.
Jurassic Park is my select bringer of the warm fuzzies. But really, just about any pinball machine might as well have a giant "PLAY ME" sign in my case.
Probably the last really great pinball machine (the new ones are getting TOO gimmick-filled)-- but I still love Centaur best of all.
I still loves me some Mars Attacks (the original, not the crappy new video screen one). Medieval Madness was good too.