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Desc:By request of johnnyhamhock
Category:Cartoons & Animation, Music Videos
Tags:chipmunks, chipettes, chipmunk adventure, dissonant, atonal
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Comment count is 7
Pandatronic - 2007-07-18

When I was 8 the Chipmunks movie was one of my favorite movies t the time. Perhaps I should be worried.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-07-19

8-year-old me hated the Chipmunks so much, that he probably would've beaten 8-year-old you up for liking this movie.

Such is the horror of this movie.

ztc - 2007-07-18

This has gone more than far enough, gentlemen.

William Burns - 2007-07-18

Please stop doing this. People will get the wrong idea about us.

thebaronsdoctor - 2007-07-18

Far too many perverted Chipmunks up in here.

minimalist - 2007-07-18

You could make the world's most terrifying YTMND out of 1:31 to 1:29


Caminante Nocturno - 2007-07-19

They sound worse in Spanish. How can they sound worse in Spanish? Nothing should sound worse in Spanish.

One star for managing to sound worse in Spanish.

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