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Comment count is 16
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-07-25

The shrieking woman really makes this. I actually got excited for him.

athodyd - 2007-07-26

Holy shit, it's that guy from Sasuke. Nice work, guy from Sasuke.

Xenocide - 2007-07-27

Behold, for he is the Superman.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2007-07-26

Coming soon to a NBA halftime show near you

poopskin - 2007-07-26

I'm pretty sure I've seen this on here before, but it makes me so happy that I don't really care.

yoyo1 - 2007-07-29

Now japan can play basketball

Gwago - 2007-10-27

...provided they allow trampolines on the court.

Actually, that'd be pretty cool.

RandomFerret - 2007-12-30

TNN did it a few years ago. Tried to make it america's new favourite sport. Now, considering the fact that you've never heard of it, how well do you think it did?

saganaki - 2007-12-30

What, you mean slamball? (that's what it was called, right?)

FABIO2 - 2007-10-14


Caminante Nocturno - 2008-01-20

I really wanted him to yell "Falcon Punch" as he jumped.

Namor - 2008-02-24

Missing the "Japan" tag

Vicious - 2008-03-04


j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-04-11

Record Breaking Factory!? Oh I'd watch the fuck out of this show!

quantumcreep - 2008-09-19

So yeah, Japan really likes rewinding with full audio, eh?

gambol - 2009-01-16


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