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The shrieking woman really makes this. I actually got excited for him.
Holy shit, it's that guy from Sasuke. Nice work, guy from Sasuke.
Behold, for he is the Superman.
Coming soon to a NBA halftime show near you
I'm pretty sure I've seen this on here before, but it makes me so happy that I don't really care.
Now japan can play basketball
...provided they allow trampolines on the court. Actually, that'd be pretty cool.
TNN did it a few years ago. Tried to make it america's new favourite sport. Now, considering the fact that you've never heard of it, how well do you think it did?
What, you mean slamball? (that's what it was called, right?)
I really wanted him to yell "Falcon Punch" as he jumped.
Missing the "Japan" tag
Record Breaking Factory!? Oh I'd watch the fuck out of this show!
So yeah, Japan really likes rewinding with full audio, eh?