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This is easily the most entertaining thing with the word "NASCAR" in it.
... They broke my watch!
I love the fact that their driver's suits consisted of casual wear and a crash helmet.
Yeah, I like NASCAR and all, but back in the day that shit was bad. ASS.
I love the orchestra playing in the background.
That's the exact same music Roger Corman and Bert I. Gordon used in their movies.
There is someone named "Fireball Roberts". That's awesome.
I think the foley guy ran out screeching noises.
"They're racing!!"
Trivia about Fireball: He actually acquired that nickname before he died in an enormous fire when his fuel tank exploded in the 1964 World 600.
That was the coolest racing footage I've ever seen. Sountrack notwithstanding.
it always amazes me how awesome nascar was back in the day
You the funniest thing about Fireball Roberts? He burned to death. No, really!
You know, rather.
There's a serious threat of fire! Fuel tanks were split by the impact. We sent our camera operator in for a closer look at the potentially deadly fluid.