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This is one step below a YTMND
Brimley has been an old man with a giant mustache since before he was born.
This wasn't very good when I submitted it a year ago. Oh, how am I trying to kid. I laughed.
as someone who does suffer from diabetes, I support this video
Wilford Brimley nodding his head like a dog
I thought it was mildly amusing. The pen-point gives it an extra star.
Also, I can't help but compare this to Hardcastle's "Nineteen".
5 because I am addicted to stupid-ass internet remixes. Also for his role in The Thing. God, that's a good movie.
I like the twitchy parts. They are terrifying.
Does he know about this meme? I'd like to think that he does, and that he wholly approves of it.