corneille - 2007-07-09
I miss being 9 years old.
Severian - 2007-07-09 I think most 9-year-olds would find that retarded.
Hooper_X - 2007-07-09
I find you retarded, because that clearly ruled.
Stopheles - 2007-07-09
Morgan Fairchild's reactions make this even more awesome.
bopeton - 2007-07-09
For someone named "Macho Man," he sure has a lot of pink tassles on his leotard.
Hooker - 2007-07-09
Randy Savage, Ultimate Warrior, Scott Steiner, and at times, Kevin Nash are some of the best things ever when they get on the mic.
He's astonishingly lucid in this one, though, so that loses a star.
VorpalGuy - 2007-07-25
5 stars for Bopeton's reply.
"Everything in general, but one thing in particular, Arsenio..."
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