awaltke - 2007-07-08
"I don't have a stupid button on me that I can push to get stupid, and I can't not see what my eyes tell me."
Thanks, Ultimate.
Stopheles - 2007-07-08
By "rotten on the inside," he means "liberal."
Sean Robinson - 2007-07-08
They really needed a translator who spoke both swarmy and crazy fluently, because these folks had not fucking way to communicate at all.
Pacobird - 2007-07-08
The lead-in to a Lindsay Lohan story at the end is a nice touch.
Merzbau - 2007-07-08
teethsalad - 2007-07-08
i'm just glad the power of the warrior didn't mess with the satellite uplink
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-07-08
This is just sad. He's so far up denial he could lead the Scorpion Army to its doom.
Eroticus E - 2007-07-08
Bizarrely enough, I agree with Warrior on most of this.
Xenocide - 2007-07-08
Gee, Warrior, I don't know where people could be getting the idea that steriods make you temperamental.
EvilHomer - 2007-07-08
Yeah, crazy as the man is, I have to agree with him on this issue. Rock on, Ultimate! When the seven planets align in the galaxy of the Warrior, then you will see that roid rage is a cheap excuse!
"And I use Man specifically here!"
Hooker - 2007-07-08
Steroids _do_ make you a badshit conservative, however.
Camonk - 2007-07-08
When the hell did Warrior talk to a liberal? Did I--did something get cut from the final copy?
Also, how come conservatives like these idiots aren't willing to go into mitigating or causative factors like drug abuse in other cases? In those crimes, the person's just a monster and you're blaming America or making excuses if you want to know these answers. Fuck Hannity all day long.
Xiphias - 2007-07-08
More relaxed, sure, but just as crazy.
halon - 2007-07-08
"What I'm tard of is having my personal intelligence insulted"
Aubrey McFate - 2007-07-09
I don't care what he was talking about, or what his position is. The Warrior is great in this appearance for both calling Hannity out on his bullshit interviewing technique and getting Hannity to shut up, even if it was for just one moment.
That having been said, shave that scruff, man.
FISTFULLofSOUL - 2007-10-15
5.20 what the fuck was that look...a confused chimp??
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