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Comment count is 7
Nominal - 2023-02-16

I'd like to buy an argument.

Nominal - 2023-02-17

This movie's alternate title was "Williaming for Godot".

scrungus - 2023-02-16

tag recommendations: gary oldman, tim roth, tim roff

snothouse - 2023-02-16

You know, this movie is kind of like The Matrix for me.
I still like it, but the people it spawned are insufferable.

TeenerTot - 2023-02-17

I really like it too. I had no idea there were matrix-type spawns from this. I think I've met one other person in my lifetime who has seen it.

snothouse - 2023-02-17

I knew people at the perfect intersecting time of them becoming English majors and the release of this movie on home video.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-02-16

Harlan Ellison wrote a similar story about what a character who appears in a story for one scene does when they're not in the story.

It was about what the guy who works in an antique shop that sells real magic items does in between customers.

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