casualcollapse - 2023-01-06
I’ve never seen somebody skateboard grind a whole ass car
Gmork - 2023-01-06 Once I saw that part, internally I was thinking "it's only a matter of time until this crazy motherfucker does a kickflip".
casualcollapse - 2023-01-06
casualcollapse - 2023-01-10 That guy on the JetSki is so glad he didn’t get run over he does a flip
Nominal - 2023-01-06
Everyone drifts all the time. It's impossible to drive straight.
4:50 is straight out of San Francisco Rush.
casualcollapse - 2023-01-06 Uh purps fucking hates drifting
*hides in popcorn shelter
Gmork - 2023-01-06
Amazing. I know you don't always get to pick your sponsors, but too much black rifle coffee company representation. Also, those lifted trucks are fucking retarded and so is anybody who thinks they're cool.
SolRo - 2023-01-06 I hate trucks, I hate lifted truck more.
But I gotta admit, at least for being a total fucking poser, driving something that ridiculous sideways is kinda cool.
casualcollapse - 2023-01-07 Gmork hates rednecks ridin sideways, windows bullet proof
Gmork - 2023-01-08 I feel like this exhibition is the only time those vehicles were serving a true purpose related to their modifications. In this case, to look ridiculous and do ridiculous stuff.
I enjoyed the nosestand of the monster truck very much, though!
simon666 - 2023-01-08 Sometimes people do things that are expressive and creative just for the sake of it and because it brings them a kind of pleasure and satisfaction, not because the things have practical value. Although, arguably, you might even say these trucks have practical value in that there is probably a scene around them and this scene gives people: a social outlet/sense of belonging, and a hobby that teaches them about how cars/trucks work.
Nominal - 2023-01-10 At least it's not rolling coal.
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