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Dupe. Forgivable for much better (i.e. un-bootlegged) video/audio. BUT STILL BEST INTRO EVER.
Why is this funny?
Because it is.
Why do you suck so much Wonko?
My mind, she is blown.
Damn straight don't bring your damn baby to the damn movie. It's rated R, what is wrong with you.
I've tried three times and I still can't make it through the boredom of this movie, but I still watch the intro every time.
Five stars, also.
i'm giving this 5 because it IS a dupe and of much higher quality and i'm happy to see it again. and true, it is not "funny" but awesome. you don't have to give stars only for funny. doy.
There's a ton of these on Youtube. The DVD must be out?
The DVD features an entire alternate movie. Not rating it because the link is dead.
A million times better than anything on Blood Mountain.
If only the rest of the movie had been even a quarter as good.
King Diamond + Mastodon = Awesome. Every movie should begin by threatening its audience.