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Category:Educational, Horror
Tags:cwc, Chris Chan, Ruckersville, Christopher Morton Duckworth, Cancer Researcher
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Comment count is 14
Accidie - 2021-08-06

i remember learning about how in child development there is a huge difference between "teasing" and "making fun" of somebody. Teasing is a more inclusive activity, we even use the term for flirting. Making fun of somebody is obviously just bullying. This saga really felt like "teasing". I feel like it was very inclusive and appreciative and creative.
In the world of internet trolls this is as wholesome of a story as exists.

gravelstudios - 2021-08-07

In layman's terms, the difference between "laughing with" someone and "laughing at" someone. TBH though, I don't think Chris has the social awareness to really know the difference. In order to "laugh with" somebody, they need to be in on the joke, and I don't think Chris was ever capable of that.

I think Liquid Chris was the least malicious troll, and when he realized that he was feeding a fire that was, in the long-term, not healthy for Chris, tried to make up for that, but I think the current trend of making him out to be some kind of saint is misguided.

Cena_mark - 2021-08-08

Liquid is a saint. He was the better Chris. He was what Chris could have been had she gotten off her ass.

Gmork - 2021-08-08

If the person you're teasing isn't laughing with you, you're the bully. Not difficult to discern.

Cena_mark - 2021-08-06

Liquid Chris is a hero. Best saga ever.

Rosebeekee - 2021-08-07

It's a shame it was found out Liquid was against gay marriage and did some small protest at his college (if I recall).

Cena_mark - 2021-08-07

Guess he had more in common with Solid than we thought.

Rosebeekee - 2021-08-07

So did Kacey. She would berate Chris for his unhealthy eating habits and laziness, but she was bigger than him.

Cena_mark - 2021-08-07

No, Kacey was a hard working medical student who ran many miles each day

Enjoy - 2021-08-09

Wait! Do you mean to tell me Liquid Chris had a political view that differed from yours. A view that matched with Barak Obama? I'm sorry this happened to you.

Cena_mark - 2021-08-08

The Liquid saga was the best. Liquid was a great troll and hero who tried to show CWC how to be a better person.

Fox-Pixar Media - 2021-08-08

I forgot

Everyone , El Dorado has been up

And you might have to tell your thoughts on it

teethsalad - 2021-08-08

if they wanna comment on it, they'll click on the video and do so

don't spam the comments on other videos trying to get clicks

Cena_mark - 2021-08-09

I think this is a fine place to discuss his post.

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