Cena_mark - 2021-07-28
Nick Gage is a garbage wrestler. Jericho will tie him in knots
teethsalad - 2021-07-29 not exactly my cup of tea but still much more watchable than today's wwe
teethsalad - 2021-07-29 oh yeah i'm white trash enough to enjoy it
i prefer the older, bigger & dumber stuff that still held some pretense of being a sporting competition but i can enjoy most style live
Cena_mark - 2021-07-29 Jericho won! Beat that garbage wrestler!
Cena_mark - 2021-07-29 It's understandable that he's a Republican, because he had better abs than Obama and Obama wanted to take 65% of Jericho's abs for himself.
decoy - 2021-07-28
Jesus is Lord
ashtar. - 2021-07-29
He does have a point. "Murder death kill" gang is pretty redundant.
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