Cena_mark - 2021-07-19
What's more American than gun violence and baseball?
decoy - 2021-07-19 "And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air" ... Isn't that how all ballgames start?
Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2021-07-19 Honestly? (American) Football and violence. As they say, it's ceaseless violence interrupted by endless meetings.
jangbones - 2021-07-19 https://twitter.com/SlavaMalamud/status/1416578153263386628?s=20
themilkshark - 2021-07-19
Those expensive seat buyers who ran into the dugouts don't care about anyone but themselves. They know that there's a ton of other people in danger who can't cram in with them. That's America: I got mine, fuck you
decoy - 2021-07-19 When those primal instincts kick in, people do what they do. Mondo Cane
Gmork - 2021-07-20
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