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Comment count is 9
Binro the Heretic - 2021-07-07

Sorry, folks. There's money to be made.

Chicken the Did - 2021-07-08

Oh, so many Olympic memories...

During the London games CBS decided that American audiences didn't need to see the beautiful closing ceremonies and immediately switched to the pilot episode of some sitcom called 'Animal ER'. CBS defended this by saying if Americans wanted to watch the full ceremony they could $$$Buy the DVDs$$$ which went for several hundred dollars. Since CBS heavily polices their content to this day I have not actually watched that closing ceremony. It's still only available to watch by $$$BUYING THE DVDs$$$

The Rio games. All of it. Including the opening ceremony where an almost exclusively white audience of obscenely wealthy attendees could watch a show about how 'Brazil fucked brown people once'. Not a single penny of proceeds went to help or improve the lives of said brown people. It was surreal excess and a circle jerk of sociopaths which only fell short of the Shah of Iran's infamous birthday bash in the desert. Which many countries, America especially would really wish you would forget about.

ashtar. - 2021-07-08

Every host city except LA has lost money on hosting the games.

It's a way to get public money into private hands.

Not to mention the more run of the mill corruption and bribery that the IOC engages in.

Jimmy Labatt - 2021-07-08

When it comes to corruption, the IOC could even give FIFA a run for its money. What a fucking scam.

Gunny McRifleson - 2021-07-11

Salt Lake City (2002) also turned a small surplus. That and Romneycare are Mitt's only redeeming features.

themilkshark - 2021-07-07

Oh Limp. Ick.

Anaxagoras - 2021-07-08

That.... wasn't a very good plan.

"Surely if I hit the olympic flame with a couple squirts of water, it'll go out!"

Lef - 2021-07-08

The objective of harrying is not to get hurt, or get arrested, or hurt others. The objective is to wear down the opponent.

Every individual action is meaningless
but every individual action is absolutely essential

This is the way, she has much to teach us.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-07-08

So now, no one is going to be allowed to attend the events because Covid has spiked in Japan. Remember when this used to be us?

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