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Desc:Here is a documented incident of shear horra. Christian children forced to kill their dad by commies
Category:Horror, Religious
Tags:communism, murder, Pitch forks, hahahehehaha
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Comment count is 9
Menudo con queso - 2007-06-20

Is it just me, or does this seem more like fantasy fulfillment for repressed redneck Joe Birchers than anything else?

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-06-20

No, you're pretty much spot-on. This and Red Dawn were made by people who not only expected such things to happen, but legitimately wanted them to happen.

garcet71283 - 2007-06-21

What are you talking about, Red Dawn was a documentary and the events were filmed in real time.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-06-20

I know it may seem horrible that Charles Nelson Reilly forced some children to dunk their dad onto some pitchforks, but the bright side is that Fidel Castro gave all of the kids candy afterwards.

Sean Robinson - 2007-06-20

No, the correct answer is Phil Silvers. Phil Silvers is the pinko.

KnowFuture - 2007-06-20

Is there some secret I'm missing lately about every other Youtube clip hanging/not loading?

kingarthur - 2007-06-21

Why do Christians and conservatives have this overwhelming need to feel as if they're being prosecuted in some way or repressed or at least lied to that this kind of thing actually happens?

Nick C. - 2007-06-21

This movie is so fucking classic. "CAN YOUR JESUS GIVE YOU... CANDY?" If you don't know the story, exploitation filmmaker Ron Ormond (in the same class as HG Lewis, Coleman Francis, Bert I. Gordon, etc.) was in a near-fatal plane crash, became a born-again Christian, and teamed up with the Rev. Estus Pirkle to make this. You can take the filmmaker out of the exploitation, but you can't take the exploitation out of the filmmaker. Or something.

Jeriko-1 - 2007-12-17

Maybe their dad was a drunk asshole anyway?

"Gee, communism lets us kill our dick parents? AWESOME!!!"

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