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Desc:The title pretty much sums it up, folks.
Category:Humor, Sports
Tags:Car, awesome, drift, town
Submitted:Mike Tyson?!
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Comment count is 7
halon - 2007-06-18

Yep, it sure was skidding around a circle there OH NO WAIT IT CUT ACROSS THE MIDDLE! WHAT AN UPSET! THIS IS INSANITY!

Do you really have the patience (and required tolerance for SCREEEEEEEEEEE noises) to watch 3 1/2 minutes of this?

baleen - 2007-06-18

No, the name described "a drifting Lincoln Towncar," which suggests a transcendental Monte Hellmanesque experience. I expected Warren Oates and you gave me nothing. The description should read "this is a very boring video depicting a Lincoln Towncar driving around in circles."

Crucifried - 2007-06-18

Oh my god! This sucks!

What about the Danger - 2007-06-18

You are all wrong. This is hilarious.

Hooper_X - 2007-06-18

This may be the white trashiest video on POETV.

Food - 2007-06-18

Worst fucking music ever

zatojones - 2007-06-18

You're wrong, song. God doesn't hate us all. He just hates this video. And so do I.

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