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Desc:If David Lynch directed a promo for a futuristic Malaysian male sex toy it would look like this.
Category:Advertisements, Science & Technology
Tags:nightmare fuel, CRAZY EYES, strokin, WTF Malaysia, at this moment how can there be no real human voic
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Comment count is 4
SolRo - 2019-09-23


betamaxed - 2019-09-23

Chinese is very cordial and there are illusory alien languages.

That guy - 2019-09-26

That engrish is almost poetry.

Hazelnut - 2019-09-30

Here is *good news*!
Six or nine *pieces* ago, myself the Orz did not even *smell* your *level*.
Can you believe? It is so silly! It is such a *happy town*.
Then the Androsynth made some *slippery places* and then Orz can *smell* it.
It *smells* so good Orz are surprised!
I, myself pushed the *fingers* into the *new town* and there are so many *campers*.
First the VUX, but they are such *silly cows*
they ask so much about the Androsynth we must *dance* with them.
Then we can *smell* the Arilou. Again they are *jumping in front*.
It is always! Nnnnggaaahhhhh!
There is *juice squeezing* and then we are not so *frumple*.

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