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Comment count is 5
jfcaron_ca - 2019-06-28

I think this one from 2011 is better:

poorwill - 2019-06-29

you're wrong in a way i can't comprehend. fully half of that video the camera was pointing at the ground, and the course was way less interesting except for the dog jump section. where are the escalators? B-

Ugh - 2019-06-29

i hate how common the amount of distortion is in vids like this, looks like an intimidating enough run without it

also i hope his taint looked like a clown's face after that

badideasinaction - 2019-06-30

Do you mean the super wide angle lens? That’s the norm for action cameras because:

1) you want to capture as much as possible and maybe crop later
2) wide angle acts as a sort of video stabilizer. I’ve got a friend who does steadycam stuff on a DSLR and wide angle makes it way easier to film
3) wide angle also makes it much easier to have a fixed-focus lens which is is the norm for action cameras.

fedex - 2019-07-02

ain't all downhill


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