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John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-05-29

All I know about Jordon Peterson is that his appearance on Jim Jeffries was reasonably cordial and not particularly controversial, and the internet lost it's shit. I think he's become some kind of symbol in the culture wars. They like to argue about whether he's a good person or a bad person, but I'vew never seen anyone actually reference anything he's written. Don't think they've read it.

IrishWhiskey - 2019-05-29

I'm sure there are more opinions people have about him than people who've read his books, but that's not unusual, or even bad. There's a million assholes with books, and they don't all need to be seriously engaged with in order to be judged.

Peterson is a garden variety conservative personality, only notable for how slippery he is about his views to non-far right sources. On Fox News and with fans he'll go into the bog-standard "men are natural leaders and feminism is bad, western civilization is superior and shouldn't be diluted, people trying to oppose racism and homophobia are trying to censor and silence you, the problems with the world aren't religion and capitalism, it's post-modern neo-Marxism, which isn't a real thing so feel free to insert Jews, gays, liberals, Muslims, or whoever else you want to label an enemy in there. And also whatever the popular fad diet/workout routine for angry young white men is, I'll endorse and try to make money from. All meat diet? Yeah sure, that." Everywhere else he'll pretend he's speaking from academia and is neutral and skeptical. But it's just traditional religious social conservatism that sounds smart to people who want their biases reaffirmed and don't actually know any philosophy or psychology.

Baldr - 2019-05-29

Someone once described Jordan Peterson as simultaneously overrated and underrated; that's the best explanation for his work that I've seen.

On the underrated side, he does the professor thing and attracts auditoriums filled with people. The Chronicle of Higher Education wrote an article about Peterson where they mentioned there were students who cried on the last day of his lectures because they couldn't take any more classes with him. Students were doing this before he became internet-popular, and at Harvard, where students usually don't even come to class. That's some next level shit. Students only cry in my classes when they find out about their grades. I've spent hours watching Jordan Peterson's stuff to see if there's a way to incorporate some of his skills into my classroom. There isn't. It's too specific to him. He approaches everything like it's sacred while I approach everything like it's a joke.

On the overrated side, Jordan Peterson spends a lot his time discussing Jungian psychology and Evolutionary psychology. Those are two topics that allow you to basically say anything about anything. I respect them as little as I respect area-studies, and for the same reasons. I'm not sure how Peterson making shit up with no rules is supposed to be better than a critical race theory professor making shit up with no rules. The eternal internet slap fight between Jordan Peterson and the people who can't write a paragraph without using the word 'fraught' is a fate they both deserve. When Peterson discusses things based in actual science he does a great job, but you could get all that without the bullshit from someone else.

In conclusion, if you're having a positive or negative emotional reaction to Jordan Peterson you're using the internet incorrectly.

IrishWhiskey - 2019-05-29

I'm way past done with false equivalency and enlightened centrism. "Well on one hand he leads a cult of personality where he tells angry and disillusioned young men that misogyny is valid and scientific, incels are right, promotes conspiratorial thinking that dehumanizes others with anti-Semitic language, and makes up wild lies to promote hatred and fear of trans people and Muslims. On the other hand, he's popular with fans and did a good interview, so really, people who criticize or praise him are both the same. Thanks God I'm above that by not caring about the consequences of radicalizing the alt-right. They don't have any power, right?"

I'd love to ignore Peterson. While he's published legitimate work, all his political alt-right advocacy is just psuedoscience and fear-mongering. But he's a popular figure who is treated with legitimacy by mainstream sources, and the kind of young men on the internet who'll say things like "Well he had a good interview with Joe Rogan about how men shouldn't compete in women's sports", who then don't question how he's just going through a list of garden variety white nationalist talking points and pretending it's got a scientific basis. It's not like that shit is globally having consequences. That telling people racism isn't a real problem, women aren't responsible or smart enough to control their own sexuality, and trans people are dangerous and trying to silence and oppress people through law all as part of a sinister anti-"Western" and anti-men agenda by (((marxists))) would ever have an impact on his audience and how they treat black trans women. The ones still alive anyways.

Baldr - 2019-05-29

It's not clear to me what's responsible for the global rise of populism or the fact that I live in a country that's decided to give Donald Trump access to nuclear weapons.

It's very clear to me that it's not Jordan Peterson.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-05-29

>>>I'm sure there are more opinions people have about him than people who've read his books, but that's not unusual, or even bad. There's a million assholes with books, and they don't all need to be seriously engaged with in order to be judged.

But what will judging him get you? As an icon in the culture wars, it's what gives him his power.

He seemed pretty reasonable to me on the Jim Jeffries show, though I didn't always agree with him. But the comments were shit city. They were mad about the way the piece was edited. The most annoying things about Redditbabies is the way they confuse editing with censorship.

In that interview, Jeffries gets Peterson to admit that he may have been wrong about something. I think admitting you may have been wrong is a fine thing. It was a good moment for Peterson, but one of the lefty blogs I subscribe to played it up like it was some kind of scandal.

Not to go all Kanye/Brawndo, but liberal bullying is a thing. Shirtgate (google it) is when I came to realize that feminists can be bullies, too. Ever been to "WE HUNTED THE MAMMOTH" I was there not long ago, posting in the comments, and before long I had people searching my social media accounts for tidbits they could use against me. Because I had transgressed somehow

Liberal bullying is a thing, but it's usually not a very serious thing. If someone accuses you of white privilege on the internet, and at heart you're not racist, and your intentions are good, okay, I guess that is an injustice. But in the scheme of things, it's not a very serious injustice. But it's time for you to suck it up... like women and minorities have been doing every day since forever.

Do I

I'm not convinced that Jordon Peterson is as bad as the left makes him out to be I'm not convinced he isn't. I DO feel like I would need to engage more seriously to judge him, and I have other things to do.

But here's the thing: when the tail is wagging the dog, you pay attention to the tail.

Accidie - 2019-05-29

it's still amazing to me that anybody with that voice got listened to seriously by anybody. How desperately does an aimless young man need a father figure to where he turns to this canadian knockoff kermit the frog for guidance?

Change - 2019-05-29

this guy was basically daddy for right-wing losers without fathers, or dorks online whose fathers 'just don't get him'

daddy issues, writ large

Mend0zA - 2019-05-29

Absolutely the best:

Jordan Peterson video.
Skateboarding video.
Use of Powerman 5000.

blase - 2019-05-29

OK, giving this stars because I'm not really sure if it's sincere or sarcastic

Two Jar Slave - 2019-05-29

I once watched a video where someone in a small, fluorescent-lit classroom setting (not a raging amphitheatre) asked Jordan Peterson how teachers might boost their students' critical thinking skills. Now, this is a pretty uncontroversial softball of a question.

Peterson started off by suggesting that professors should focus on teaching their students to write argumentatively, because the act of writing forces us to think through our ideas and engage with them more deeply. So far so good, right?

Three minutes later, and with no further provocation, he had worked himself into a frenzy about the conspiracy that exists among college professors to keep their students stupid so that they (the students) won't be able to compete for positions at the college. Did you follow that? It's not simply that students must learn keen writing skills to make them "lethal" (his repeated word) in academic writing. Oh, no. College profs are INTENTIONALLY failing to teach their students these vital writing skills, as a way to hobble the next generation of hungry job-seekers.

That 3-minute video revealed the whole Jordan Peterson formula:
1. Start by saying something reasonable, something most people can nod their heads to. Get everyone onboard.
2. As you elaborate on the importance of this reasonable, uncontroversial thing, raise the pitch and emotion of your voice so people think whatever you're talking about is more important than it is. Use emotional langauge. At the same time, provide very few concrete details about your topic. "Writing isn't just good. It's critical! It's essential for civilization! It'll turn you into a feared and respected intellectual! No, I won't actually tell you how to write well."
3. Start building up a boogeyman who wants the opposite of whatever you're dicussing. "THEY don't want you to write! THEY don't want you to think! THEY want to keep you in the dark so THEY can get away with whatever THEY are doing! No, I won't name names or offer details."
4. Position yourself as a lonely crusader battling against said boogeyman. "Unlike THEM, I want to arm my students to be lethal thinkers and muderous writers! I want to empower the youth! Civilization itself hangs in the balance, but I'm the only one smart enough to notice or bold enough to talk about it!"
5. Invite your listeners to join you crusade by buying books and online personality quizzes that have nothing to do with the subject. He literally finishes his rant in the video by promoting some kind of self-help website.

I haven't watched a lot of Peterson's stuff, but this seems to be about all there is to it. And it's a solid formula because it appeals to different listeners in different ways. People who want to reject Peterson as an alt-right fearmonger can focus on step 3; people who want to buy into his apocalyptic visions of Western decline can focus on steps 2 and 4; people who want to defend Peterson as a reasonable centrist can focus on step 1; publishers embrace step 5.

Two Jar Slave - 2019-05-29

I guess what I'm saying is I don't give much thought to anything Jordan Peterson says, because he's 95% style. If you asked him if pancakes or waffles are better, Western civilization would hang in the balance.

Xenocide - 2019-05-29

Fun fact: Jordan Peterson is so terrified of appearing feminine in any way that he refuses to eat literally anything except beef, and this extremely macho eating disorder has persisted for at least the past year. This is probably why the right's resident supergenius looks like a propped-up mildewey corpse these days. Anyway, enjoy this buffoon while you can because his heart will probably explode soon.

Two Jar Slave - 2019-05-29

Considering he also claims to have gone 25 days without sleep, I doubt he's actually sticking to his suicide diet.

GravidWithHate - 2019-05-30

The diet is actually because his daughter tried the diet and found it alleviated some auto-immune issues she'd been having. She convinced him to try it. (1, 2) So yeah, he's so terrified of appearing feminine that he follows lifestyle and diet advice from his daughter.

Seriously people, it's not just people you don't agree with who distort the truth for a political agenda. Stop being so fucking credulous.

(1) https://torontolife.com/city/life/qa-mikhaila-peterson-daughter-jo rdan-peterson-beef-diet-dads-overnight-fame/

(2) https://www.theguardian.com/food/2018/sep/10/my-carnivore-diet-jor dan-peterson-beef

Two Jar Slave - 2019-05-30

He still claimed to have gone 25 days without sleep.

betabox - 2019-05-29

Holy SHIT is there a lot of text here.


blase - 2019-05-30

Handy troll cheat sheet: if you want to derail a comments thread, just invoke Jordan Peterson

Change - 2019-06-24

tl;dr wypipo

casualcollapse - 2019-05-30

I'm sad he never pressed Y to freak out

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