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Comment count is 10
Born in the RSR - 2018-05-05

I am expecting a triumphant return to form of our OG , OZ.

TheyUsedDarkForces - 2018-05-05


Space Odin - 2018-05-05

I am ready to receive all of the brainwaves right fucking now.

Old_Zircon - 2018-05-05

~3:45 - Pregame surprise
~5:00 - Slashdance
~7:30 - The Brain
~9:00 - Apocalypse Snow 3
~9:30 - Cocaine Cowboys
~11:00 - Eat My Dust
~12:30 - Psyched By the 4-D Witch

Old_Zircon - 2018-05-05

Not the new Cocaine Cowboys, the almost legendary original country-rock-action-crime-drama turd starring Jack Palance and Andy Warhol, that was nearly shut down by the FBI on suspicion of being a cover for an actual cocaine smuggling operation.

fedex - 2018-05-05

we would not expect any less of you OZ

Old_Zircon - 2018-05-05

The only thing keeping it from true legendary status is that nobody really gives a shit about it.

Old_Zircon - 2018-05-06

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sasazuka - 2018-05-06

"Central Pacific Bank"?

I suppose that I'm not the only one here who has been watching the HawaiiNewsNow feed over the past couple of days (well, via the VolcanoYT Kiluaea livestream, but they frequently show the news from HawaiiNewsNow).

The only ad that ever seems to play is that one Central Pacific Bank ad with someone named "Alan Wong" cutting up a fish as guests arrive at his house.

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