yogarfield - 2017-10-06
Sup people. Hope everyone is doing well.
chumbucket - 2017-10-06
Ozark is a pretty cool show.
Meerkat - 2017-10-06
He would walk on water, put his hand on the top of their heads, and push down.
Meerkat - 2017-10-06 Actually why would he bother bending over when he could just use his foot? He could get his feet washed at the same time!
cognitivedissonance - 2017-10-06
I'd love to own this. I'd *kill* to own a bulletproof Bible, they're usually at least $600 on eBay.
yogarfield - 2017-10-06 And you gotta think about the papercuts. These special Bibles are fucking folks up left and right, but the MSM refuses to talk about it.
SolRo - 2017-10-06 (if you were poor and went to public school) try to remember the paper shopping bag school book cover technique and just substitute Kevlar.
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