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Comment count is 8
Raggamuffin - 2017-08-26

Classic. Gary Busey really brings the weird to this already really weird film.

smoothw - 2017-08-27

Main thing I remember about the movie is the goofy buggies the hunters ride around in.

1394 - 2017-08-26

Prince. Henry. Stout.

infinite zest - 2017-08-26

I won't get into why they're similar or anything for those who haven't seen it but I found that Jordan Peele's film "Get Out" and "Surviving The Game" have a lot of similarities and infinitely satisfying/horrifying endings. Personally I've seen this flick no less than 100 times but I'd still be excited if it were to pop up in MNR some day..:)

TheyUsedDarkForces - 2017-08-26

Makes a great double feature with "Hard Target"

Maggot Brain - 2017-08-26

"Try well done, bitch!"

infinite zest - 2017-08-27

Interesting ratio of 3-word names and 2-word names. Holy shit.

Jeriko-1 - 2017-08-28

My favorite part of this movie was when the hunters reveal themselves to him at breakfast and casually tell him they are about to murder him. All the while with cuts to the hunters enjoying said breakfast with zero empathy at all for his plight. Suddenly he realizes he's surrounded by wolves that don't give a fuck about him. I found that terrifying.

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