Lef - 2017-08-01
Why did they give Mike Tyson peanuts? Never the less, this feels like hanging out with my friends, except they're interesting people and not Dungeons and Dragons nerds.
blue vein steel - 2017-08-02
ugh, a rapist and spousal abuser is fucking with my Norm auto-5
infinite zest - 2017-08-02 (whoops there should be a "maybe" in the middle of "but others can.." and even then I can't understand why) :/
StanleyPain - 2017-08-02
LOL RANDOM let's normalize a rapist, bully piece of shit who would probably be in prison (or dead) if not for that he is stupid enough to be exploited by old white men his entire life to pad their wallets cuz he punches good or whatever. Fuck this.
Hooker - 2017-08-02 So you're angry at him that he victimized people or that he was victimized by white people?
SolRo - 2017-08-02 victimized all the way to the bank!
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