Old_Zircon - 2017-06-15
They usually cut the last bit when they play this on TV. The first time I saw it in "I'm from Hollywood" when they were replaying it on Comedy Central in the 90s they would cut after he he has pushed her face into the mat a couple of times and it actually makes it more disturbing because you don't get the kind of hammy "shut off the camera" bit and it seems more real.
Last time I saw it they cut it even further and basically only shw him grabbing her hair.
On the one hand I get why this doesn't fly on TV anymore but it's also kind of ironic that by cutting it down they're actually kind of undermining the satire and making the violence seem more cartoonish by taking out the suggestion of consequences for it, which changes the whole meaning.
Old_Zircon - 2017-06-15 What I'm saying is, in its original form this bit is funny until it isn't, and when it turns really dark at the end it puts the viewer into a position of having to examine why they found it funny to begin with, which is a classic Kaufman move.
In the cut form, it's reduced to slapstick.
15th - 2017-06-15
For those of you that remember, did the majority of people know this was a put-on?
15th - 2017-06-15 That's awesome.
Old_Zircon - 2017-06-15 Yeah, this was played really well. The "I'm from Hollywood" documentary was made and released on TV shortly after his death and plays things very straight, amazingly so considering how many people who were close with him are interviewed and are completely devoted to maintaining the fiction that this was real right up to his death and after. He had some good friends.
Old_Zircon - 2017-06-15 Actually I was off by a bit, I'm From Hollywood didn't come out until 89, 5 years after he died. So much of the archival footage is older I just assumed it was 84 or 85.
Anyhow, people are still really keeping it alive, I missed it at the time but as recently as 2013 Kaufman's own brother hired an actress to play his daughter, publicly announced that he had faked his own death, and trolled the shit out of everyone:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/13/andy-kaufman-death-ho ax-brother_n_4269765.html
Scroll to the bottom of the article for the denouement.
15th - 2017-06-15 That's heart warming.
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