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Comment count is 8
poorwill - 2017-04-20

i would have thought you've been on poetv long enough to know it can be both

Maggot Brain - 2017-04-20

She don't take no prisoners
She gonna give me the business
Got a squid on my back
Hey it's a squid attack!

Gmork - 2017-04-20

"mating or cannibalism?" needs to be a linked tag somehow

godot - 2017-04-20

Humboldt squid are brutal. Imagine being in a pack of social hunters, like wolves or hyena, where the instant you're injured or seem incapacitated you're just food for the the others.

Enjoy - 2017-04-20


Ersatz - 2017-04-20

So Humboldt squid are eternally in middle school. Got it.

jangbones - 2017-04-20

HA I was walking my rugrat today and passed a bunch of middle schoolers getting ready to play soccer. Three of them were telling a fourth how terrible he was at soccer. If each of the three had knives and were just stabbing his face it would have been so much less brutal.

kingarthur - 2017-04-22

I believe Peter Watts based the aliens in his book Blindsight off Humboldt squid. You'd have to ask him as he's the marine biologist and I'm not.

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