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You might call what he does a high steaks workout.
Well done.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about steaks, you little bitch?
SECRET TO NAVY SEAL FITNESS! THEY DONT WANT TO YOU TO KNOW THIS! Put on 120lbs of gear. March for 40 miles. Run for 10 miles. eat whatever you want.
sike! they are soy steaks.
(slow zoom out to giant estrogen moobs)
What, no Meth? I was told there'd be meth. Fucking guvmin lied to me again!
Dude is a total Swanson.
This is from "the blaze" in case anyone was wondering.
-Navy Seal -Hero -230lbs
- Fuck tons of HGH.
Recipe for looking like a bodybuilder: lift a lot of weights, eat a lot of food, sweat enough to keep the fat off. It is as simple as that.