kingarthur - 2016-12-03
A friend of mine from college went to high school with Michael Oher. Oher claims the movie is so far from reality as to be laughable.
kingarthur - 2016-12-03 Also, what's said about the white attitude to adoption here is pretty fucking spot on, having worked for an adoption agency. sy
dairyqueenlatifah - 2016-12-03
As a former foster kid I love this movie. I feel like you completely missed the point if you looked at it as a bunch of white people adopt a black kid as a pet.
gravelstudios - 2016-12-03
My parents loved this movie, but I never got around to seeing it. I know they have it on DVD. Is it worth 2 hours of my life (whether good or bad)?
Oscar Wildcat - 2016-12-03 It's a stink burger, in ways that are hard to describe adequately. My evangelical sister in law laid this one on us one Christmas eve. To add insult to injury, she hates Jean Shepard! I will have my revenge however, I intend this year to send my niece a copy of that Rankin and Bass thing where Santa is raised by cats and the Elder Gods still hold the field. Fuck that department store nonsense...
Cena_mark - 2016-12-04 2001 a Space Odyssey is dumb.
You should introduce your folks to The Prestige. It's the true masterpiece about magicians.
Cena_mark - 2016-12-03
This movie makes Driving Miss Daisy look like Do the Right Thing.
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