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Comment count is 14
exy - 2016-11-16

"Why'd they send you to the camp, exy?"

"I rated some video five stars..."

duck&cover - 2016-11-16

Maybe Trump got brain damage from that, explaining his later behavior.

EvilHomer - 2016-11-16

The Stunner is usually fatal. The fact that Trump could even survive such a devastating finishing move is amazing, and proof that he is indeed half-wrestler, and fit to lead this country.

I'm thinking John Cena as the Secretary of Defense, The Rock as Secretary of State, Xavier Woods as Education, Undertaker as Homeland Security, and by this time next year, a Hell in a Cell match against Hassan Rouhani, which Trump wins after applying the MAGA Lock submission hold.

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-11-16

But what we have is so much more... something! A sort of a drinking man's Legion Of Doom. Lex Luther with brain damage and an orange vanity rug. Does it match the drapes? Only his wife Vampira knows for sure. Cabinet positions to be announced, who will be the Riddler, Bizarro, Scarecrow ( Steve Bannon! ) Sinestro ( Mayor of Nine Eleven! ) Cheetah ( Omarosa! )

blue vein steel - 2016-11-17

Sarah Palin is kind of the Bizzaro Hillary

dubz - 2016-11-16

Speaking of wrestlers and politics, The Rock would consider a White House run if offered the opportunity.


Lifted himself out of poverty, created a huge net worth, charming as hell. I'd vote for him.

EvilHomer - 2016-11-16

After what that asshole did to Mick Foley?! NEVER!

twinkieafternoon - 2016-11-16

Why would he ever wanna go back to the "Die, Rocky, Die" chant days?

Cena_mark - 2016-11-16

Trump is a no selling piece of shit. It looks like Lashley his having to tell him to stay down and to keep selling.

EvilHomer - 2016-11-16

He's a dominating force! Of course Mr Trump finds it hard to sell; in real life, the move barely fazed him.

EvilHomer - 2016-11-16

In fact, I bet Trump could take Stunners all day long and be no worse the wear for it.

blue vein steel - 2016-11-16

yeah, well, i bet he'd just sip if Stone Cold threw him a cold one

EvilHomer - 2016-11-17

Mr Trump would politely yet firmly decline the cold one. Like fellow champions CM Punk and Owen Hart, Trump is straightedge, and better than other people for it.

unknown_specimen - 2016-11-17

I need a gif of this to watch every time he does something heinous in America's name

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