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Comment count is 10
fedex - 2016-10-07

That Daniel Negreanu chap puts me in mind of Henry Sugar, don't you know.

Sanest Man Alive - 2016-10-07

Negreanu's and Gus Hansen's segments were the biggest reasons I submitted this. Lady Luck isn't just fickle, she's child-eatingly insane.

fedex - 2016-10-07

It's not entirely luck. If you listen to him talk he spoke of how he had been playing poker for 40 hours a week since he was in 10th Grade, that is a long time to learn how to read people and to understand body language to the point where it can almost seem like a mystical talent.

That guy - 2016-10-07

Also, he gets to know those players. It's harder to read someone if you haven't played against them.

Sanest Man Alive - 2016-10-07

Lady Cold Reading doesn't have the same alliterative charm, that's why nobody invites her to the ball.

That guy - 2016-10-07

This kind of shit, and my hatred of casinos, and not having enough money to try to go pro....

Thank god for all that.

15th - 2016-10-07

Find me on Poker TH, donkeys.

That guy - 2016-10-07

...chasing gutshots all day?

15th - 2016-10-07

I chase hard eights and Unos.

chumbucket - 2016-10-07

The Phil Hellmuth segment is what I always assumed all pro poker players are like.

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