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Comment count is 12
kwelladakid - 2007-04-21

Really god animation. I totally came.

DrVital - 2007-04-21

The don't make 'em like this anymore... but then they only made this once.

Meatsack Jones - 2007-04-21

Preschooler prostitution ring...you could NOT get away with that now a days.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2007-04-21

I'll still take Heavy Metal and Bakshi over what passes for American animation today.

jrr - 2007-04-21


Albuquerque Halsey - 2007-04-21

Am I a pofta-tard for thinking this was the bet bit?

Corman's Inferno - 2007-04-21


Aubrey McFate - 2007-04-22


Caminante - 2007-04-22

Not 'anime' enough.

merzbau - 2007-04-22

"Hanover Fist" is possibly the worst pun character name ever.

davinciclone - 2007-04-23

"...and one moving violation."

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-04-28

The most we can hope for is to get you buried in secrecy so your grave don't get violated! WHAT THE

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