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Comment count is 12
chumbucket - 2016-04-29

Ah, the magic of Twitter.

RomeoGunn - 2016-04-29

Went to the youtube comments. Should have realized by this point, never look at the youtube comments.

simon666 - 2016-04-29

The comic book thinking (not actual) in me would love to see some of the dudes telling these women to grow thicker skin to be trolled with rape and death threats. No simply the threats, but threats that name the cities they live, and other sufficiently personal information to cause a real existential fear to boil up in them. It seems for some people experience is the only way they can empathize and amount of thinking can get them there.

simon666 - 2016-04-29

*no amount of thinking can get them there...

memedumpster - 2016-04-29

Chris Hensen taught me that every town in America is 87% pedophile, so maybe it can work the same way with this.

Set up a house labelled "Feminist Club Internet Cafe" and post the physical address to the Internet. Surround it with Stingrays and license plate ID every car that goes by for a week, then... oh god... I'm Netforcing.

Forget I said anything.

That guy - 2016-04-29

simon666, I wish I could share your sentiment that those assholes would learn something.

Then again, Sarah Spain is a complete scrubmuffin.

simon666 - 2016-04-29

What's a scrubmuffin?

That guy - 2016-04-30

^ total scrubmuffin question

15th - 2016-04-29

Wow, what a bitch.

Binro the Heretic - 2016-04-29

Of course it's hard to say horrible things to people's faces.

That's why we invented the Internet!

crasspm - 2016-04-29

i cried a bit.

Crackersmack - 2016-04-30


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