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Comment count is 12
misterbuns - 2016-04-07


simon666 - 2016-04-07

Flat. She's flat, right?

RedRust - 2016-04-08

Flat and off timing.

That guy - 2016-04-08

Maybe she's trying to make it into jazz?

simon666 - 2016-04-08

Is she ahead on the timing or singing a bit too quickly? I'm terrible at recognizing this stuff.

That guy - 2016-04-09

I didn't make it anywhere near 3:01 on this, so I can't tell you.

total nightmare

baleen - 2016-04-07

Ok... where did you... how did you find this?

boner - 2016-04-08

This particular one came from Robert Popper (Look Around You / Friday Night Dinner) on Twitter. He has a real knack for finding this sort of thing.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2016-04-08

She has a jacket. With her logo. She's invested actual money into this venture. She couldn't invest in a music stand I guess.

15th - 2016-04-08

There's a 3D version.

exy - 2016-04-08

The conducting

Ugh - 2016-04-08

ow much for er to do the mighty mouse theme song eh lads

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